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Table 1 The demographic and clinical data of 90 RRMS patients

From: White matter lesion load and location in relation to cognitive impairment in relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis


Mean ± SD (range)

Age (years)

32.74 ± 8.43(16–55)

Sex (male/female) (%)

(24/66) (26.76%/73.3%)

Education years

11.80 ± 4.84 (0–20)

Disease duration (months)

55.44 ± 50.15(3–240)

Number of relapses

3.41 ± 2.36 (2–12)

Age at onset (years)

27.14 ± 7.81(12–45)


3.2 ± 1.73(1–5.5)

DMT duration (months)

19.83 ± 21.34(0–96)

Time to start DMT (months)

35.60 ± 44.71(3– 228)


28.07 ± 11.78(6–54)


42.32 ± 12.46(14–74)


16.13 ± 8.17(0–32)

Total WM-LL

18.14 ± 15.88(0.07–62.40)

Juxtacortical WM-LL

5.69 ± 10.72 (0.02–58.43)

Periventricular WM-LL

11.66 ± 13.81 (0–48.81)

Infratentorial WM-LL

0.24 ± 0.45 (0–1.68)

Cognitive impairment (yes/no) (%)

(29/61) (32.2%/67.8%)

Current DMT

 No treatment number (%)

7 (7.8%)

 Interferon B number (%)

50 (55.6%)

 Fingolimod number (%)

26 (28.9%)

 Teriflunomide number (%)

3 (3.3%)

 Rituximab number (%)

2 (2.2%)

 Ocrelizumab number (%)

2 (2.2%)

  1. DMT disease-modifying therapy, SDMT Symbol Digit Modalities Test, CVLT-II California Verbal Learning Test-II, BVMT-R Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised, EDSS Expanded Disability Status Scale, WM-LL white matter lesion load