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Table 2 Summary of patients’ neuroimaging, lung imaging, electromyography/nerve conduction velocity, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and medications

From: Neurological manifestations in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a cross-sectional study


n (%)

Neuroimaging (computed tomography scan or magnetic resonance imaging) abnormalities


 Ischemic evidence in findings

85 (54.1%)

 Hemorrhagic evidence in brain

24 (15.3%)

 Leptomeningeal enhancement

1 (0.6%)

 Encephalitis evidence in brain

1 (0.6%)

 Cerebral venous thrombosis

2 (1.3%)

 Demyelination (white matter involvement)

2 (1.3%)

Lung computed tomography scan


 Ground-glass opacities alone

111 (70.7%)

 Ground-glass opacities with consolidation

36 (22.9%)

 Consolidation alone

3 (1.9%)


1 (0.6%)

 Pleural effusion

6 (3.8%)

Electromyography and nerve conduction velocity


 Irritative myopathy

1 (0.6%)

 Neuromuscular junction disorder (no evidence of myopathy + fibrillation)

1 (0.6%)

 Subacute sensory & motor axonal polyradiculoneuropathy (fibrillation +)

1 (0.6%)

 Acute mainly demyelinating motor > sensory polyradiculopathy with some axonal features

1 (0.6%)

Cerebrospinal fluid analysis


 White blood cells/mm3 (normal range < 5/mm3)

33 ± 94 (0–300)

 Red blood cells /mm3

2101.50 ± 6295.87 (0–20,000)

 Glucose (normal range 40–70 mg/dL or ≥ 2/3 of plasma glucose)

103.5 ± 47.5 (39–211)

 Protein (normal range 15–40 mg/dL)

97.8 ± 55.45 (32–186)

 Oligoclonal bands – negative

5 (3.2%)

 SARS-CoV-2 PCR negative

13 (8.3%)

 SARS-CoV-2 PCR positive

1 (0.6%)

Medications, n (%)



34 (21.7%)


5 (3.2%)


45 (28.6%)


9 (5.7%)


19 (21.34%)

 Therapeutic anticoagulation

14 (8.9%)

 Antibiotic therapy

105 (66.9%)

 Anti-epileptic therapy

32 (20.4%)

 Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis

153 (97.5%)

 Pack cell transfusion

20 (12.7%)


10 (6.4%)

 Plasma exchange

8 (5.12%)

 Intravenous immunoglobulin

10 (6.36%)



  1. SARS-CoV-2 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, PCR polymerase chain reaction