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Table 3 Scales assessments

From: Predictors of progression of multiple sclerosis in a sample of Egyptian patients


RRMS (n = 150)

SPMS (n = 150)


Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD

SDMT at diagnosis

41.36 ± 7.89

30 ± 9.13

 < 0,001*

25-FWT at diagnosis

8.75 ± 1.97

11.83 ± 2.23

 < 0,001*

25-FWT (current EDSS)

12.28 ± 1.8

26 ± 16.86

 < 0.001*m

SDMT (current EDSS)

37.24 ± 6.3

20.23 ± 7.6

 < 0.001*

SDMT at EDSS = 3

25.96 ± 5.85


25-FWT at EDSS = 3

14.93 ± 3.68

  1. Independent t-test/Mann–Whitney test (m) was used for the above data comparison, *significant p-value at 0.05 level of significance
  2. 25-FWT 25-feet timed walk test, RRMS relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis, SDMT simple digit modalities test, SPMS secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, EDSS Expanded Disability Status Scale