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Table 1 Demographic, clinical, laboratory, and outcome data among studied patients

From: The early clinical and laboratory predictors of GBS outcome: hospital-based study, Assiut University, Upper Egypt


Demographic data


Age mean SD (range of age years)

37.15 ± 17.60 (10–75)

Age group


 ≤ 40 years

34 (54.8%)

 40–60 years

20 (32.3%)

 ≥ 61 years

8 (12.9%)

Sex: male/female Number (%)

33/29 (53.2/46.8%)

Residency: urban/rural Number (%)

24/38 (38.7/61.3%)




48 (77.4%)


2 (3.2%)


5 (8.1%)


7 (11.3%)

Duration of each event


Number of days between the antecedent event and onset of neurological manifestations

Mean ± SD (range (days)

7.95 ± 7.095 (0–28)

Duration of antecedent event

Mean ± SD (range 0–5 days)

1.82 ± 1.52

Number of days between onset of symptoms and nadir

Mean ± SD (range 1–7 days)

3.32 ± 1.64

Number of days between onset of weakness and admission

Mean ± SD (range)

6.69 ± 4.51 (1–18)

Type of antecedent event number = 43 (69.4%)




 Upper respiratory tract infection

 Number (%)

30 (48.4%)


Number (%)

38 (61.3%)

 Gastrointestinal infection: diarrhea with or without vomiting

 Number (%)


Absent antecedent event

 Number (%)

19 (30.6%)

Days between onset and admission


 > 7 days

23 (37.1%)

4–7 days

12 (19.54%)

 < 3 days

27 (43.5%)

MRC at nadir


51–60 = 0

4 (6.5%)

41–50 = 1

6 (9.7%)

31–40 = 2

10 (16.1%)

21–30 = 3

17 (27.4%)

 < 20 = 4

25 (40.3%)

Clinical variant


Sensory motor

47 (75.8%)

Pure motor

12 (19.4%)

Para paretic

2 (3.2%)

Miller Fisher

1 (1.6%)

Specific clinical presentation

Cranial nerves affection



40 (64.5%)


22 (35.5%)

Papilledema and visual affection (blurred vision)



13 (21%)


49 (79%)

Neck muscle



28 (45.2%)

 Not affected

34 (54.8%)

Sensory affection



46 (74.2%)

 Intact sensation

16 (25.8%)

Cough reflex and affection of respiratory muscle


 Impaired cough reflex

32 (51.6%)


30 (48.4%)

Erasmus Guillain–Barre Respiratory Insufficiency Score EGRIS risk


 Low risk

12 (19.4%)

 Intermediate risk

15 (24.2%)

 High risk

35 (56.5%)

Mechanical ventilation


 Mechanical ventilated

5 (8.1%)

 Not ventilated

57 (91.9%)

Autonomic affection (dysautonomia)



19 (30.6%)


43 (69.4%)

Laboratory findings (normal range)

Total leukocyte count TLC (normal range 4000–10,000/L)


 Within normal range

23 (37.1%)


39 (62.9%)

Serum protein level (normal range 64-83 g/l)


 Within normal protein level

41 (66.1%)


21 (33.9%)

Serum albumin level (34-50 g/l)


 Within normal range

42 (67.7%)


20 (32.3%)

C-reactive protein (CRP)



38 (61.3%)


24 (38.7%)

Serum sodium NA level (136-145 mmol/L)


 Within normal level

43 (69.4%)


19 (30.6%)

PCO2 in PH and respiratory acidosis



55 (88.7%)

 Respiratory acidosis and Co2 retention

7 (11.3%)

Cytoalbuminous dissociation in CSF (total 42 cases)*



18 (42.9%)


24 (57.1%)

Outcome according to HDS


Outcome according to HDS



27 (41.5%)

 Minor symptoms and capable of running

10 (15.4%)

 Able to walk 10 m without assistance but unable to run

11 (16.9%)

 Able to walk 10 m across open space with help

4 (6.2%)

 Bed ridden or wheel chair bound

6 (9.2%)

 Required assisted ventilation at least part of the day

2 (3.1%)


2 (3.1%)

Outcome according to Overall Neuropathy Limitation Scale (ONLS)

2.87 ± 3.59

  1. MRC Medical Research Council score, HDS Hughes Disability Scale, CSP cerebrospinal fluid
  2. *42 cases only underwent CSF analysis