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Table 2 Changes of clinical global impression during escitalopram therapy (N = 148*)

From: Impact of gender, depression severity and type of depressive episode on efficacy and safety of escitalopram: an observational study on major depressive disorder patients in southern India


Week 4, n (%)

Week 8, n (%)

Week 12, n (%)

CGI-S (severity)


0 (0)

4 (2.70)

36 (24.32)

 Marginally ill

1 (0.68)

27 (18.24)

24 (16.22)

 Mildly ill

93 (62.84)

79 (53.38)

61 (41.22)

 Moderately ill

24 (16.22)

23 (15.54)

16 (10.81)

 Markedly ill

27 (18.24)

15 (10.14)

11 (7.43)

 Severely ill

3 (2.03)

0 (0)

0 (0)

 Most extremely ill

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

CGI-I (improvement)

 Very much improved

2 (1.35)

28 (18.92)

54 (36.49)

 Much improved

57 (38.51)

52 (35.14)

36 (24.32)

 Minimally improved

64 (43.24)

60 (40.54)

53 (35.81)

 No change

25 (16.89)

8 (5.41)

5 (3.38)

 Minimally worse

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

 Much worse

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

 Very much worse

0 (0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

  1. *N - Total number of study subjects