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Table 1 A summary of the studies done to assess remote cognitive remediation

From: Are remote psychotherapy/remediation efforts accessible and feasible in patients with schizophrenia? A narrative review

Authors (year)

Type of study

N/group criteria




Schlosser et al. (2018) [32]

RCT, double blind

PRIME (n = 22), Waitlist (n = 22)


Trust task [71,72,73] from baseline to post-trial

Retention rate = 74%

Donohoe et al. (2018) [28]

RCT, single blind

CR group (n = 48), Control (n = 42)

Web-based CR training

Episodic memory, WMS-III [74], SWM from the Cambridge Neurophysiological Test Automated Battery [75]

23 dropouts, 10 lost to follow-up in CR group, 7 drop outs, 13 lost to follow-up in control

Fisher et al. (2015) [69]

RCT, double blind

Auditory training (n = 63), computer games (n = 58)

Auditory training, computer games

MATRICS [76], symptoms and functioning

19 withdrawals, AT group; 14 withdrawals, CG group

Biagianti et al. (2017) [27]

RCT, double blind, reanalysis of data

Desktop computers (n = 33), iPads (n = 41)



Attrition rate = 36%

Medalia et al. (2021) [23]

Mixed methods

Hybrid condition (n = 28), all-clinic condition (n = 27)

Hybrid CR, CRT in clinic

Qualitative assessment

38 completed subjects (clinic n = 18, hybrid n = 20)

Loewy et al. (2021) [70]

Intent to treat analysis

Auditory training (n = 80), Computer games (n = 65)

Auditory training, Computer games

MATRICS, Global Cognition

6-month follow-up completed: AT n = 40, CG n = 37

Palumbo et al. (2019) [35]

Pilot study

n = 8


MCCB [76, 77]

No dropouts

  1. CIRCuiTS Computerized Interactive Remediation of Cognition-Training for Schizophrenia, CR cognitive remediation, CRT cognitive remediation therapy, MATRICS Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia, MCCB MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery, PRIME Personalised Real Time Intervention for Motivational Enhancement, RCT randomized controlled trial, SWM Spatial Working Memory, WMS-III Wechsler Memory Scale-3rd edition