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Table 1 Assessment of Patient #1 symptoms based on GBS-TRF and A-CIDP diagnostic criteria.

From: Acute-onset chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy complicating SARS-CoV-2 infection and Ad26.COV2.S vaccination: report of two cases



TRF occur < 2 months from onset*

Deterioration beyond the 8th week*

Nadir reached within 8 weeks from disease onset *

Three or more relapses

Bulbar muscle weakness

Proprioception disturbance*

Autonomic instability

Absence of respiratory muscle weakness*

NCS features*

NCS features*

  1. Key: *Present in this patient GBS-TRF GBS with treatment related fluctuations; A-CIDP Acute onset CIDP; TRF Treatment related fluctuations; NCS Nerve conduction studies