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Table 1 Questionnaire regarding neurologists’ experience regarding PEG

From: Attitude and experience of neurologists towards percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy: an Egyptian study

Do you agree to participate? *Yes *No

If Yes, please proceed to answer the following questions

1-Years of practice? ------------ years

2-Main practice place?

*University hospitals

*Private hospital

*Ministry of health hospitals

*Army and police hospitals

*Health insurance hospitals

3-Main governate of practice?



*Central region

*Delta region

*Lower Egypt

*Upper Egypt

4-Main Field of practice?



*Multiple Sclerosis


*Movement disorders

*Neuromuscular disorders


*General Neurology


5-Would you recommend PEG for patients with prolonged need of Ryle feeding? *Yes *No

6- In your own practice, what’s the main barrier for offering PEG?

*Lack of knowledge about the benefits of PEG

*Financial issues

*Family resistance

*Unavailability of well-trained gastroenterologist

*Fear of complications

*Previous unsuccessful experience

*You are not convinced with its benefit


7- In cases of refusal of care givers, what was their main concern?

*Fear that they will not be able to handle it and provide proper care

*Fear of altered body image

*Avoiding surgical procedures


8-Hove you ever been approached by GIT specialist to suggest or offer PEG for one of your patients? *Yes *No

9-Have you ever attended a lecture or seminar about the benefits and indications of PEG? *Yes *No

10-Have you ever referred a patient to PEG? *Yes *No

11- If yes, How many times did you refer a patient to PEG?

*Less than 5

*5-10 times

*11-20 times

*More than 20 times

12-What was the main reason for referral?

*Prior positive experience

*Family request


*Low cost

*It was suggested by nutrition or GIT specialist

*Preventing aspiration

*Improving quality of life

*Malnutrition and weight loss


13-What was the most common diagnosis?

*Stroke (Lateral Medullary)

*Stroke (Brain stem)

*Stroke (Middle cerebral artery)

*Stroke (Internal carotid artery)

*Intracerebral hemorrhage


*Multiple Sclerosis

*Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis


*Brain tumor

*Parkinson’s disease

*Post-encephalitic sequel


14- How soon do you offer your patients the option of PEG?

*First week

*Second week

*2-4 weeks

*5-8 weeks

*More than 8 weeks

15- To whom did you refer your patient for PEG?

*General Surgery


*Interventional Radiology


16-What were the most common complications you experienced with your patients referred to PEG?




*Soreness or inflammation



17- How would you like to rate your experience regarding the patient’s outcome?

Very unsatisfactory 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Very satisfactory

18- How would you rate the caregiver satisfaction?

Very unsatisfactory 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Very satisfactory

19- Would you recommend PEG again for your indicated patients? *Yes *No

  1. PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy