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Table 2 Effect of MT on social skills rating

From: Music therapy as a therapeutic tool in improving the social skills of autistic children

Social skills

Pretest: mean (SD)

Posttest: mean (SD)

Understanding/perspective taking ability

 Active intervention group

15.54 (3.36)

2154 (6.56)

 Passive control group

12.77 (2.54)

18.85 (5.34)

Initiates interaction

 Active intervention group

25.12 (6.03)

30.65 (4.08)

 Passive control group

20.00 (2.99)

27.27 (3.39)

Responds to others

 Active intervention group

9.85 (2.33)

11.81 (3.66)

 Passive control group

8.62 (2.70)

8.42 (3.08)

Maintains interaction

 Active intervention group

21.54 (3.22)

24.62 (5.81)

 Passive control group

19.38 (2.70)

21.69 (3.52)

  1. The mean and SD for the four areas of social skill rating shows an improvement which is significantly greater for active group when compared to passive group during the post-test phase