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Table 4 comparison of SF-36 results with other studies

From: Anxiety, depression, and quality of life in backache patients before and after spinal traction

SF-36 domains

Present study

(No. 47)

Castro MMC et al., 2011

(No. 400)

Bentsen et al., 2008 (No. 25)

Physical functioning

56.81 ± 25.589

36.2 ± 22.6

44.2 ± 19.2

Role limitations due to physical health

7.60 ± 22.036

17.8 ± 27.9

6 ± 22

Bodily pain

38.10 ± 16.877

31.8 ± 17.4

23.9 ± 15.4

General health perceptions

47.27 ± 15.459

44.4 ± 21.8

64.4 ± 21.2


37.38 ± 15.560

41.3 ± 22.6

30.8 ± 15

Social functioning

43.99 ± 22.243

49.5 ± 27.9

40.5 ± 21.7

Role limitations due to emotional problems

13.38 ± 32.531

30.0 ± 36.6

57.3 ± 45.7

Mental health

49.77 ± 17.236

48.7 ± 23.2

64.8 ± 19.8

  1. SF-36 Short-Form 36 Health Survey